Cutover Date is August 31!

4 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

Enrollment has been open for at least six weeks for most of you. Most businesses have initiated and completed Enrollment, Onboarded with Usio, and are ready for cutover. A few have started enrollment and hit a snag related to documentation or similar issue. There are still several businesses that have not yet started enrollment. Now is the time.

Usio Enrollment complete and Onboarded (🟢)

To those who have completed Enrollment and are already Onboarded with Usio. Thank you for being our trailblazers and working through that process. It has not been completely clean or easy, and we have learned a few things. Hopefully, those learnings can help the folks just starting enrollment avoid pitfalls and sail through the process. You are good to go and should not have to do anything between now and the cutover. We will be communicating frequently via this same mechanism. Please stay connected in case anything comes up.

View update on Payment 2.0 Features & Functionality

Usio Enrollment Started but Pending due to an Issue (🟡)

Thank you for initiating the process. I am very sorry that you hit a snag and for the extra effort that has likely caused you. We did not expect so many issues and data mismatches during enrollment. Part of the problem is that Braintree has almost no data validation process, so we have been blissfully unaware of the situation until now. Please proceed with any steps requested by the Usio team and let us know if there is anything we can do to help or lessen the burden in any way.

View Enrollment Learning & Guidance

Currently has Braintree Account and Not Started Usio Enrollment Yet (🔴)

We have to set a firm date for the cutover. Braintree will be shutting down the platform we are on at the end of the year. Moving forward is the only path. Please review the previous post with guidance on how to make the enrollment painless and initiate the process at your earliest convenience. If some issue does come up, you may need some time to resolve it.  

Please note that the Payments Enrollment modal (aka pop-up) currently appears upon login. If you close it, it will go away until the next login. Going forward, the frequency of the modal appearance will increase, and the time between instances will decrease. As we get closer to August 31, it will go to every 3 hrs, then every 1hr, and eventually to the point where you will no longer be able to ignore it and must initiate enrollment to stop the pop-ups.

Log in and Click on the Pop Up to Start Enrollment Now

If you have already closed the pop-up modal recently and want to start enrollment, (1) navigate to the Admin section, then (2) choose Payment Processing within Business Information. At the bottom of the page, (3) select 'Begin Enrollment', and you will be taken to the pop-up to start the enrollment process.


Not currently using Payments (⛔️)

There are a few of you who do not use payment processing at all currently. If you don't currently have payment processing with Braintree and do not plan to use payment processing via Usio, then you can ignore these messages. However, if you do want to enroll for Usio Payments, you must first activate the Braintree Payments account, then it will enable the Usio Enrollment. Sorry for the two-step process. We will be changing that in the future and cutting out the Braintree step.

New Business (🎉)

For new business customers, welcome to Fitli. You have arrived at an interesting moment as we complete a 17-month-long project and kick off some major changes for the platform. If you do intend to use payment processing, please start with the Braintree activation, which is usually very easy. Then once that has been activated, you will be able to initiate and complete the Usio enrollment process. We are in the process of cutting the Braintree registration off and moving new users straight to Usio enrollment, but not quite there yet.

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