Google Calendar Integration - For Businesses!

4 min. readlast update: 02.28.2024

You can have your classes and appointments appear on your Google Calendar!  

Note: This feature currently ONLY works with email addresses (or their managed domains). You cannot, at this time, sync your calendar with any other email addresses or Calendars (but others are coming in the future) outside Gmail. 

Syncing Your Google Calendar

In order to set up your Google Calendar integration, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Log in to your Fitli account.

First, log in to your Fitli business account, then click the pulldown menu in the upper right. 


Select "Personal".


Then, select "Account".


Choose "Calendar Integration" on the left side.



Step 2: Start the Linking Process

Click the "Integrate with Google Calendar" to select your Google Calendar account.


NOTE: Again, this feature ONLY works with email addresses managed via Gmail. Your Fitli email address/account does NOT need to match the Gmail email address you want to link to - but you do need password access to the account so we can make sure it's yours for privacy reasons!




You will see a security notice, advising you that Fitli is requesting to access your Google Calendar - this is a standard security notice. Fitli ONLY has access to edit, add, and remove classes/appointments that we have added. Fitli will NEVER edit or change, read or share any of your other calendars or items on your personal calendar that we have not created. You will need to "Allow" this notice to proceed.


After accepting, the process of syncing any existing classes or appointments to your Google Calendar will begin - this process could take up to several minutes for all your existing classes/appointments to populate on your personal Google Calendar.


In the meantime, the Fitli Google Calendar integration process will show that your calendar is integrated.


Fitli and Google Calendar Syncing

When first syncing your Google Calendar with your Fitli account, ALL items assigned to you as a trainer or instructor are synced - that means all your scheduled classes and appointments assigned to YOU are added to your Google Calendar.

This process may take a few minutes to initially sync to your calendar.

Each time a new class or appointment you are the instructor or trainer for is added, edited, removed, etc on FITLI, those changes will be updated on your synced Google Calendar.

Changes made on Google Calendar are NOT reflected on your Fitli calendar - this is a one-way process from Fitli > Google Calendar, not vice versa.

Here's an example of a "Boot Camp" class on the Fitli schedule synced to the Google Calendar schedule:


Fitli Calendar




Google Calendar



You'll notice that several items from your Fitli class profile are synced as well, including the:

- Date and time 

- Location 

- Class description: A clickable link directly to the class session online -A reminder notification 1 day before, and 10 minutes before in Google Calendar (depending on your notification preferences)

Also, a nice fitness/sports themed header is added to the top of the class profile if you use specific keywords, here's a list of those images (called "flairs") you can use (click here to view flairs and how to use them as keywords).

Updating any of the above items (date and time, location, etc) will update the associated class or appointment on your synced Google Calendar. Accordingly, canceling or removing the class or appointment on Fitli will remove the item from your synced Google Calendar.


Disconnecting your Google Calendar from Fitli

To remove Fitli and Google Calendar integration, and remove all your existing classes/appointments from Google Calendar, head back into your Account section and click on "'Disconnect".


When disconnecting, you'll see a status indicator letting you know we're removing all your synced items from your Google Calendar, helping you "clean up" any remaining classes or appointments you no longer need.




When this process completes, which could take several minutes, any items that were synced will be removed. If there are any "leftover" classes or appointments on your Google Calendar, you can remove them manually.

Thanks for reading, we hope you love this integration feature, we're hoping to add other calendars (like Apple iCal) soon! Please send us your feedback to or use the chat link on the bottom right.

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