Professional Profile - Class, Appointment, and Session reminder notifications

2 min. readlast update: 07.02.2024

Are you a trainer or professional, and want to receive custom notifications before your class or session? If so, here's how to set them up.

As a professional, head to your "Personal" account, then click "Account". Find the "Notifications" section on the left side.




Under "Professional Notifications", you'll see options to receive reminder notifications both by email and/or SMS. Check the box to choose the ones you'd like to receive.


After choosing your notification reminders, now you'll need to make sure that the frequency is set to remind you when you want.

If you have administrative access to the account for the business, continue below. If not, you'll need to ask your business account administrator to configure this for you.


Configuring Frequency of Reminders

To configure the reminder emails, head to your business account by clicking your business name on the pulldown at the top right.

Click "Admin" at the top, then "Business Setup & Customization" > "Notifications" > "Notifications To Clients" on the left. The top part is where you can set the frequency and amount of time to send out reminder emails to clients and professionals. Professional email/sms reminders use the same frequency as client reminders.

Session reminder emails/SMS messages can be set at three frequencies, as shown above.

24 Hours before: We'll send an email/SMS reminder 24 hours before the class, session or appointment.

1 Hour before: We'll send an email/SMS reminder 1 hour before the class, session or appointment.  

Custom Time: Enter a time from 2-23 hours or 2-59 minutes, and we'll send an email/SMS reminder 24 hours before the class, session or appointment. 

Once configured, you'll receive the custom reminders at the schedule you specified to your email and/or SMS.

Now you or your professional/trainer will receive custom email/SMS reminders at the specified time before the class, session or appointment.

That's about it! Any questions? Chat with us or send us an email to

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