Allow Instant Re-charge After Payment Method Update Due to Failed Transaction

2 min. readlast update: 02.13.2024

Clients who have auto-renewing memberships, may occasionally find that their payment method fails due to insufficient funds, expired credit card, invalid zip code, etc. Please note that we at Fitli, also allow you to set up a check or cash auto-renewal, this is not ideal as there is no way to automatically renew these accounts when they fail.

This feature will allow you to re-charge your clients’ failing auto-renewing memberships after they’ve updated their payment method with just a few clicks. Here’s how.

Go to the ADMIN section of your business account then click "Products & Services" > "Packages & Memberships" on the left.  


You can either add a new auto-renewing membership or edit an existing one. In the example below, I’ll edit an existing auto-renewing membership. 


Turn on the toggle for "Allow Instant re-charge after payment method update due to failed transaction" and click SAVE.




Note: The "Allow Instant re-charge" toggle will only be available for auto-renewing memberships not single purchase memberships. Screenshots below.





What will happen next?

Your clients who purchased the auto-renewing membership that has been set to "instant re-charge" will be prompted that we’ll re-try the charge within 5 minutes after they have updated their payment method on their Personal Wallet for their failed auto-renewing transaction. Prior to this, they can retry the transaction on the same payment method (if they have any). They’ll be prompted whether the transaction is successful or not. Once the charge is successful, you’ll see it on your Sales Report.

That's about it! Any questions? Chat with us or send us an email to

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