Customer Payment History Report

2 min. readlast update: 09.23.2024

This feature will easily allow you and your instructors to view your customers’ Payment History report within their profiles. 


  • The business user/instructor should have a Fitli account.
  • The business user/instructor should be connected to your business.
  • The business user/instructor should NOT have the "Professional No Access" role. 



For Business Users with NO Reporting Access 

Business Users with no reporting access such as Professional Limited Access, Professional Full Access and Clerk, will see limited data of your customers’ payment history. 

To view your customers’ payment history, log in to your Fitli account and click your business name on the pulldown menu at the top right.

Click Customers at the top menu, search for your customer, click your customer’s name or the "view" link to open his profile.


Scroll down to the "Account Balance" section, click "View Purchase History".

In the Payment History section you’ll see your customer’s purchase history. Since you don’t have reporting access, you’ll only see the purchase date and time, transaction type, item, funding source and action by columns. Click EXPORT to download the .csv file or CLOSE to go back to your customer’s profile.

Note: Business users with "Professional No Access" role will not see all of these because they can only be booked and can only view your calendar.  


For Business Users with Reporting Access

Business Users with reporting access such as Owner, Owner Professional, Manager, Manager Professional and Professional Full + Reporting, will see your customers’ complete payment history data similar to the one on the Sales Report.  

To view your customers’ payment history, log in to your Fitli account and click your business name on the pulldown menu at the top right.

Click Customers at the top menu, search for your customer, click your customer’s name or the "view" link to open his profile.

 Scroll down to the "Account Balance" section, click "View Purchase History".

In the Payment History section you’ll see your customer’s complete purchase history. Since you have reporting access, you’ll see more data compared to Users with no reporting access. Click EXPORT to download the .csv file or CLOSE to go back to your customer’s profile.

Note: Business users with "Professional No Access" role will not see all of these because they can only be booked and can only view your calendar.  

That's about it! Any questions? Chat with us or send us an email to

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