How can I charge a tip for a client's visit?

2 min. readlast update: 05.06.2024

Wondering how your clients can proactively give you and your instructors tips? Here's a quick guide on how to do it.

Update your Settings

First, head to the "Admin" section of your Fitli business account, and go to the "Business Information" > "Business Profile" area. 


Click the boxes next to "Retail" at the top, and then "Retail" near the bottom to add the Retail product category to your business.


Click SAVE when completed to save your choices.


Create a 'Tip' Retail Product

To create a retail product for "Tip", head to the "Admin" section, and choose "Products & Services" on the left side. Select the "Retail Products" option, and then click "'+Add New Retail Product" on the upper right. 


Now that you're adding your "Tip" Retail Product, complete the information in the Retail Product screen, including the price, Sales Tax (if any - see the Sales Tax Help Documentation), and choose "Retail" as the product category. When done, hit SAVE.


Note: If you want the "Tip" retail product to be used by your business only, click the switch to turn it on. Otherwise, leave it the way it is to allow your customers to proactively purchase a tip for you.


Purchase the 'Tip' Retail Product

Now that you've created your "Tip" Retail Product, let's get to purchasing! Click into a customer from your Customers list, and choose "purchase" to access the updated purchase menu.

The purchase menu separates "Packages and Memberships" from "Retail Products", so it's easier for you and your clients to distinguish between the two!

To purchase the tip, click the blue "Purchase" button next to it. If you have Sales Tax enabled, then the Sales Tax amount will be calculated and added to the purchase.  


Click NEXT > CONFIRM and CLOSE to complete the purchase.






Once the purchase is completed, the "Sales Report By Transaction" section will also be updated with the "Tip" Retail Product purchase amount and included Sales Tax (if any). You can also search your Sales Report by "Retail Product". If you'd like to process a refund/void for the purchased tip, the refund/void process is the same as with any other purchase. Click HERE for a detailed guide.




That's about it! Any questions? Chat with us or send us an email to

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