How do I add Customers to my Business?

3 min. readlast update: 05.06.2024

The first step in getting clients to schedule or book is to have customers attached to your business!


1 - Log in to your Fitli business account.

Once you're in your business account, click the "Customers" tab at the top navigation, shown in the screenshot below. This will take you to the list of your current customers.



2- To add a new client/customer, click on the "+ Add Customer" button on your top right hand side.

- This will take you to a popup form "Add Customer".

Once here, you've got two options!

Option 1: Add a brand new customer who does NOT have an existing Fitli account.

- Likely, your new customer will not have a current account. You can click the "+ Add Customer" button, and head to the "Add Customer" modal (see below).


Note: The email address should be 39 characters or less.



Option 2: Add an existing Fitli user to your business.

- If you think your new customer may already be a member with another business, you can simply add them to your Customers list! For security reasons, we require that you know some information about the customer you'd like to add; first name, last name and email address. When adding an existing Fitli customer, the last name and the email address should match. Otherwise, you won't be able to add them and you'll encounter an error message saying: This email is already in use by another account.

Note that when you add a new customer, their email address MUST BE UNIQUE! Their email address should be 39 characters or less. Customers are identified by their email address - so you can't add a customer when one already exists with the same email.


Another business will try to add him. In this case, the business tried to add him and the last name does not match the details of the customer's existing account. 





Add Customer Screen:

After clicking on the "+ Add New Customer" button from either option above, you'll head to the "Add Customer" screen, where you can enter your customer's details. All that's required is their FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS, and MOBILE PHONE NUMBER. Everything else the customer can add on their own later. Note: Their email address should be 39 characters or less.

What if my customer doesn't have an email address?

We can handle that! When entering a customer without an email address, just use a placeholder email address with our domain name. Simply use the format below:

Your customers won't receive any emails from us, but you can add them into the system!

Thanks for reading! If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at  

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