How do I create a 'blocked time' event on my calendar? I want to be unavailable for a certain period

2 min. readlast update: 07.26.2024

You can set yourself as "unavailable", using the "blocked time" feature. A blocked time event means you're not available to be booked by customers; let's say you have another obligation, doctor's appointment, pick up the kids, etc. You can set a specific time as "blocked" by using the steps below:

Step 1:

Log in to your business account to be directed to your dashboard (a.k.a. calendar).

Click any spot on your calendar or the SCHEDULING button on the left.

In the “Create Session” section, click “Blocked Time”. In the example below, the business will create recurring “All Day” blocked times but time can be blocked for smaller amounts of time as well.

Add a title, select the professional, turn on the “All Day” toggle, choose the start and ending date, then hit BLOCK TIME. You may also add a Block Time Description on the right side. Screenshots below.

A confirmation message in blue will appear at the top showing that you successfully created blocked times for the professional with the start date. Click the start date to be directed to the calendar.

That's it! The blocked time events have been added. These prevent anyone from booking a calendar event (class or appointment) for the professional on the selected dates.

Note: Blocked times do not show up on the business’ public calendar for clients to view - we don't want them seeing when specifically the professional is unavailable - they just can't book that specific slot. Only YOU, your BUSINESS and the PROFESSIONAL, can see the blocked time events.




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