How to Cancel or Remove a class from your Calendar?

4 min. readlast update: 08.15.2024

Sometimes, you may want to cancel or remove a scheduled class from your business calendar. Maybe you decided to change the class, didn't want to hold it on that day, or something else came up. Here at Fitli, we're flexible and let you do either option, depending on your business' needs.

Cancelling a Class:

Cancelling a class LEAVES the class on the schedule, but makes it so no one can book the class. This option is useful if you want to continue to show that time slot as previously holding a class, but for some reason, you had to cancel it.

Removing a Class:

If you need to remove a class ENTIRELY from the calendar, you'll use the remove option to delete a single class, or a group of classes.

Cancelling Classes:

To cancel a class, click the class from your schedule page (see below).

At the bottom of the "Session Profile" popup, which shows the options available for the class, click the "Cancel Session" button. If the class had been added as a repeating session, you'll also have the option to cancel a single session, or the entire repeating series of sessions.


Once cancelled, you have the option to "REMOVE" the class entirely from your calendar, as sometimes it's confusing to have a cancelled class show up. To remove a cancelled class, click the Cancelled class, then click the "Remove" button at the bottom of the Session Profile.



Question: Can you "uncancel" classes from the calendar once I've cancelled them, I made a mistake?

Answer: Unfortunately, no, once you cancelled a class and confirmed it, the class is cancelled. To get the class back onto your calendar, you'll need to add the class back.

Removing Classes:

To remove classes from the calendar is a very similar process, except you're skipping the cancel step, and going right to REMOVE. From your calendar, click on a class you'd like to remove.

At the bottom of the "Session Profile" popup, which shows the options available for the class, click the "Remove Session" button. If the class had been added as a repeating session, you'll also have the option to remove a single session, or the entire repeating series of sessions.

You'll then be prompted to "Confirm" you want to remove the class with the following popup message. Note the option to remove a single session or all of the sessions added in this repeating series.


Clicking "Confirm" will do several things:

1 - The class will be removed from your calendar.

2 - Each client booked in the class (if there were any) will be REMOVED from the class, and they will receive an email/message telling them the class was removed.

3 - If applicable, each customer who had used a session to book the class will have their class REFUNDED to them (only on limited packages, unlimited packages will not be refunded).

4 - The trainer for the class will be notified by email that the class was removed.

Now, you'll notice that your schedule has been updated and the class is now gone.

Commonly Asked Questions:

Q: Can I "unremove" classes from the calendar once I've removed them, I made a mistake? 

A: Unfortunately, no, once you removed a class and confirmed it via the popup, the class is gone. To get the class back onto your calendar, you'll need to add it back.

Q: Why can't I remove a cancelled class?

A: You cannot remove a cancelled class that has occurred already. Classes in the future that have been cancelled can be removed.

Q: How can I remove a cancelled class that has occured already on my public calendar?

A: You cannot remove a cancelled class that has occurred already. But you can hide it from your public calendar. Click HERE for a detailed guide.

That's about it! Any questions? Chat with us or send us an email to

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