How to contact the business?

2 min. readlast update: 03.22.2024

Are you a previous, current, or prospective client that would like to contact a business listed on Fitli for more information but aren't quite sure how to do that? Don't worry! We've got you covered. Here's a brief guide on how to view contact details for any business listed on Fitli.

For New and Old Clients:

To get your business' contact details, log in to your account, click "Book Activity" at the top menu, then click your business' name.


On the next page, you'll see the business' profile where you can view their phone number and/or email address.


You can also see your business' phone number on their public calendar. You can also click your business' logo at the top left to be directed to their business profile .

Note: If your business has a website, clicking the logo at the top right of their public calendar will direct you to their website. Otherwise, you'll be directed to their Fitli business' profile.



For Aspiring Clients:

The business' contact number is displayed on the business' public calendar. To check the business' other contact details, click the business logo at the top left side to be directed to their business profile.

Note: If the business you're trying to sign up for has a website, clicking the logo at the top right of their public calendar will direct you to their website. Otherwise, you'll be directed to their Fitli business' profile. 


On the next page, you'll see the business' profile where you can view their phone number and/or email address.


That's about it! Any questions? Chat with us at or send us an email to

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