Mobile version: Handling Failing Auto-Renewing Memberships (Client Guide)

6 min. readlast update: 11.29.2024

As a client, you may run into problems where your auto-renewing memberships fail to renew. This happens when your payment method fails due to insufficient funds, expired credit card, invalid zipcode etc etc. Furthermore, if you paid cash, check or other payment methods other than your card for your auto-renewing membership's initial charge, your membership will continue failing when it's time to renew because there is no automatic way to renew it.

To continue your membership uniterrupted and to book more sessions, we recommend to use your credit or debit card. Note that when entering your card information, you're using PCI Level 1 compliant and tokenization over a secure link to our processor. This means that not even employees at Fitli or your businesses can access your personal credit or debit card numbers. For security purposes, we can only see the last few numbers of your card, we don't have access! 

Here's a comprehensive guide on how to easily manage your failing auto-renewing memberships and payment methods.

How to Know if your Membership is failing?

The first way you'll typically see when your membership has failed to renew will be an email from Fitli, notifying you of the failure. 


Second, when you login to your Fitli account, you'll see a red banner message at the top prompting you that your recurring purchase has failed and you need to update your payment method.


How to resolve your failing auto-renewing membership?

To resolve the issue, you can either add a new card (if you don't have one on file), retry the charge (if you have an existing card on file), or update your card.

Add a new card  

To add a new card, tap the "Click Here" link on the red banner message at the top to be directed to your "Personal Wallet."

On the "Personal Wallet" section, tap "+ Add payment method", select "Add a credit card or debit card" on the modal and hit NEXT. Then, enter your card information and hit SAVE. 

You'll notice that there's an option to "Add a bank account" on the modal. If your business accepts ACH/bank payments, you'll be able to pay/retry the charge using your bank account. Note that not all businesses accept ACH/bank payments. For more information, contact your business directly. 










Once your card is added, a confirmation message in green will appear. Tap "Retry the charge now" once or just wait for the charge to retry automatically the following morning. 

When "retry charge" is in progress, don't leave the page or tap anything. A confimation message in green will notify you that the charge was successful and you will no longer see the red banner message at the top.




Additionally, you'll also see the charge on your Purchase History and receive an email from us confirming the charge.


Note: If the business' settings allow it, the charge will automatically retry 5 minutes after the card is updated. If not, the charge will retry automatically the following morning. Once the charge is successful, you will no longer see the red banner message at the top. You'll also see the charge on your Purchase History and receive an email from us confirming the charge. Otherwise, you'll be notified that the charge is unsuccessful and the red banner message at the top will still remain.



Retry the Charge

If you have an existing card on file that is still active and unexpired and your auto-renewing membership failed to renew due to insufficient funds or some issue with your bank, you can retry the charge using the same payment method once the issue is settled.

To retry the charge, tap the "Click Here" link on the red banner message at the top to be directed to your "Personal Wallet." 

Then, tap "Retry the transaction" once.


When "retry charge" is in progress, don't leave the page or tap anything. A confimation message in green will notify you that the charge was successful and you will no longer see the red banner message at the top. Additionally, you'll also see the charge on your Purchase History and receive an email from us confirming the charge. 



Update Existing Card

Sometimes, you may need to update an existing credit card with a new expiration date, cvc, address and/or zip code. To update an existing card, tap the "Click Here" link on the red banner message at the top to be directed to your "Personal Wallet."

On your "Personal Wallet", tap "Edit" beside your card.


On the "Edit a credit card or debit card" modal, enter your card number to confirm or update it then enter the CVC. 

Note: You can enter a different card number or re-enter the old one if you have a new card with a different expiration date and CVC. You can also update your billing address here. If you want to copy the address from your contact info section here, check "Copy from Contact Info". Or, check "Copy to Contact Info" if you want to copy your billing address to your contact info. Otherwise, leave them unchecked. Not entering your card number and CVC will prompt you to enter it. Screenshots below. 


Once you're done updating your details, tap Save, wait for the modal to close, then, tap "Retry the transaction" once.


When "retry charge" is in progress, don't leave the page or tap anything. A confimation message in green will notify you that the charge was successful and you will no longer see the red banner message at the top. Additionally, you'll also see the charge on your Purchase History and receive an email from us confirming the charge. 

Note: If the business' settings allow it, the charge will automatically retry 5 minutes after the card is updated. If not, the charge will retry automatically the following morning. 

If you have a new card with a different card number and you want it to be your "backup" or "other" payment method, just add the new card under BACKUP or OTHER PAYMENT METHODS to save it for future use. Then once you've decided to use it, make it the PRIMARY payment method by selecting PRIMARY on the pulldown beside it then hit UPDATE on the modal.








You'll notice that the new card is under PRIMARY. From here, you can retry the transaction and/or REMOVE the old card. If you don't want to delete the old card, just keep it and retry the transaction.








When "retry charge" is in progress, don't leave the page or tap anything. A confimation message in green will notify you that the charge was successful and you will no longer see the red banner message at the top. Additionally, you'll also see the charge on your Purchase History and receive an email from us confirming the charge. 


Note: If the business' settings allow it, the charge will automatically retry 5 minutes after the card is updated. If not, the charge will retry automatically the following morning. 

That's about it! Any questions? Contact your business directly, chat with us or send us an email to

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