Mobile version: How to Join the Waitlist?

3 min. readlast update: 09.30.2024

Your business has the ability to enable "waitlist" for busy or popular classes. You can easily join the "waitlist" with just a few taps. Here's how.

Log in to your Fitli account, go to "Book Activity" and tap the "View Schedule" button of the business.

Tap the class to open its profile then scroll up.

If the class you're trying to book has spots left, you'll see the BOOK button. Otherwise, you'll see the JOIN WAITLIST button, similar to the one below, if there are no spots left and the business enabled waitlist for the class. Tap JOIN WAITLIST and CONFIRM to be waitlisted.

A confirmation modal will appear showing that you're waitlisted, tap CLOSE. Additionally, the session profile will show that you're waitlisted and you'll receive a WAITLISTED email from us. Screenshots below. 

Note: You do not need to have an associated balance, package or membership to be added to the waitlist for a class. It's not a pre-booking, but more of a "Let me know when a spot opens up!" notification. 

If no spots open up for the class, then the class goes on like normal, and you will not receive any emails, nothing needs to be done. BUT, if a spot opens up, then you will get an email notification that a spot is available. It's first come, first serve!

Once a spot in a class opens up, go to your business' schedule, tap the class to open its profile. The "Remove" link will change into "Book" and you'll see a separate BOOK button above it. Tap the BOOK button or link then complete the booking process. In the example below, the customer has an existing balance.

We'll notify your business and the class will appear on your Fitli calendar. You'll receive "Booked" and/or "Purchase notification emails and a reminder email, 24 hours before the session starts.


Top Questions:

Q: Is it first come, first serve?

A: Yes, if a spot opens up on the waitlist, and there are 10 people on the list, all 10 get notified when a spot is available. The first one who gets in and books, gets the spot!

Q: I got an email that a spot is available, I tried to book it but I can't, what should I do?

A: Unfortunately, this means that someone already booked the available spot and there's nothing you can do. You can try booking another class that has available spots left.

Q: How can I remove myself on the waitlist?

A: To do this, tap the class on the calendar to open its profile, scroll up, tap "Remove" and CONFIRM.

Q: I don't have any available sessions left, can I still join the waitlist?

A: You do not need to have an associated balance, package or membership to be added to the waitlist for a class. It's not a pre-booking, but more of a "Let me know when a spot opens up!" notification.

Q: Can I "waitlist" my relationship/s?

A: Yes, you can do this with just a few taps. Click HERE for a detailed guide.

That's about it! Any questions? Contact your business directly or chat with us or send us an email to

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