Payroll - Attendee Sliding Scale Pay Rate

5 min. readlast update: 08.16.2024

Attendee Sliding Scale

In this pay rate, the instructor is paid based on how many clients attended the class, not per attendee. Instructors are paid based on how many clients attended based on the sliding scale.

You can set this up on the "Pay Rates" page by clicking the "+ Add Pay Rate" button. 


You'll see the "Attendee Sliding Scale" option. This is defaulted to "No" like the other options. 


After turning on the slider, the "Create and Select Scale" section will appear. This section will be empty. Click "+ADD" to open up the Add Form.




The Add Form will include:

Scale Title - The field where you can put the name of the scale with a maximum of 30 characters.

Scale Levels - It will show 2 levels but it will start with no levels yet. Only the three empty fields (from, to and pays) and an ADD NEW LEVEL button. The fields include:

1 - From: This is the number of attendees. The From field in the first level ALWAYS start at 1 (one). You can also change it to 0 (zero).

2- To: This is the end number of the attendees for this level. This has a maximum value of 99.

Note: Once you enter or reach 99, the ADD NEW LEVEL button will no longer be visible unless you remove the line item by clicking X.

3 - Pays: This is the $$$ rate that the instructor should be paid when the number of attendees falls within that level.

4 - ADD NEW LEVEL - This button should be selected to add a new level to the list. Once added, it will show the line item (level) then present the new set of fields to allow you to add another level. The maximum number of levels is 10. Once 10 levels have been added, the ADD NEW LEVEL button will no longer be visible unless one of the levels is removed.

When a level is added, it is no longer editable. It is presented as follows: “From X1 to X2 attendees pays $P”. Where X1 is the “From” value, X2 is the “To” value, and $P is the “Pays” value. Screenshot below:


There is also a button with an "X" to the left which will allow you to remove the levels. The "X" button will turn red when hovered over and actionable. Note that the levels may only be removed in reverse order. Therefore, you should only be able to remove the level on the last row.


When done, hit UPDATE.

Once the Scale is updated, it will be added to the top of the section like a badge showing all its info: the scale name and its levels. If you select one of the scales as default, it would show up under the scale title.


Once the scale has been created, it can no longer be edited. It can only be deleted if it's not set to default or not paired with a service in the "Per Service" section. However, pairings can also be deleted/undone which would then allow the scale to be deleted.


Multiple scales will be shown with radio buttons so you can select the "Default" scale which will then be highlighted. Hit UPDATE to lock in any changes. 

You can only add up to 10 different scales. The "+ADD" button will no longer appear after that unless one of the unused scales is deleted/removed. 

Per Service

There is also an option to create a unique calculation by service.

To start, turn on the slider for "Per Service" to open up the section. You will be required to map a scale to a service to create a pairing.

When the "Per Service" slider is turned off, all services will be under the default scale. If a specific service is not paired, it will continue to use the default scale. Once it's paired with a scale, it will no longer use the default scale.

At first, there's only the dropdowns for Service and Scale. One must be selected from each. Otherwise, the "+ADD" button will not be enabled. 


Once a pairing is selected and the "+ADD" button is clicked, the Service/Scale pairing will be shown as a badge/table. The name will be a combination of the Service Name + the Scale Name. The table will display the scale levels.


Note: A service can have only 1 paired scale and a scale may be applied to any number of services.

Each pairing may be deleted/removed by clicking the "X" button at the top left of each panel/badge. When that happens, the service will be reverted to the default scale. Any changes to the pay rate will change the results on the Payroll report both past and present.


Payroll Report

The new calculation will be added to the existing Payroll report. You just need to make sure that you enable check-in for the services associated to the scales on the Services section.




Then, update your users' "Pay Rate" on ths users section. 


Once the clients are checked into classes that have occurred already, the updates will be shown on the Payroll Report. under the "Attendee Sliding Scale" column just before the total.




The exported file will also show the "Attendee Sliding Scale" column with the trainer's $$$ pay.


That's about it! Any questions? Chat with us or send us an email to

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