Payroll - Package Setup

2 min. readlast update: 01.25.2024

Part of the setup process for Payroll means making some minor updates to your packages, so Fitli knows how much money you'll be making off your memberships/packages.

To start, head to your "Packages/Memberships" section, and choose a package to "Edit". Once in your package, you'll see a section, called "Estimated Gross Revenue". This section is determined by a calculation, depending on if the package is LIMITED or UNLIMITED. Let's learn more about the Estimated Gross Revenue.


To determine the estimated gross revenue for limited packages, Fitli takes the Total sales price / # of sessions in the membership = Estimated Gross Revenue.

For example, a membership for $100 / 10 sessions = $10 revenue per session. This number is locked for Limited packages and can't be edited.




To determine the estimated gross revenue for unlimited packages, Fitli takes the Total sales price / # of sessions in the membership = Estimated Gross Revenue.

In this case, an UNLIMITED membership / an unknown number of times booked = Estimated Gross Revenue.

IMPORTANT: We require you to enter an ESTIMATED dollar amount for your classes. This ESTIMATED amount is used to determine the estimated gross revenue for each booked session.

The amount you enter can be from your historical data, or an average amount a typical business in your area charges for a similar class booking. Or, maybe you just know that you'll earn XX dollars for a specific class or have a default amount set.


Once you've completed editing your packages (you don't have to edit each package, ONLY if you want to edit the estimated gross revenue per session, click SAVE at the bottom, and continue onto reviewing Session revenue data.

View your Session Revenue ->

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