Setting up Appointments for Your Business

3 min. readlast update: 06.14.2024

To configure appointments (one-on-one sessions with clients) for your business, there are three main things you'll need to do:

- Set Up your User Profile for Appointments 

- Add at least One Appointment "Service" 

- Configure your Appointment Business Settings


Set Up Your User Profile for Appointments

To set your professional's work hours, go to ADMIN and click "Business Setup & Customization" on the left to be directed to the "Users" page. Click "Edit" beside your user/employee. You'll see the following screen where you can choose if the professional can book appointments, set their work hours, and choose the services they can book appointments for.


There are a few selections here you should make note of:

"Is this professional available for appointments" - If you set this to NO, then the professional will NOT be able to book/receive appointments. If yes, then they can!

Set Appointment Work Hours

Once YES is selected, you can set their work hours by using the pulldowns, and choose the services they can book appointments for. Note: To have them available for ALL services types, leave it blank or choose the "Select All" option on the pulldown. Otherwise, if your trainers have specialties or can only book for certain types of services, you can set them here.


Add At Least ONE Appointment Service

Service duration is a required field for new appointments. When making a new class or appointment, you'll enter the length as showing in the screen below:

  • Classes - You can set a specific length for classes, in the services section.
  • Appointments - You can set a length for an appointment, and when to start the classes.


You can create an appointment OR a class. Decide which type of service you'd like to create, as they are specific. Appointment (individual class) or classes (group class).

The drop-in price (as opposed to membership price) is now optional, you can use the slider to turn on or off a different drop in price.


Configure Your Appointment Business Settings

Finally, once you've set your business hours, defined the hours and services for your professional employees, and updated your services, you're ready to turn on appointments.

To do this, head to the ADMIN page, and choose "Appointments" under "Business Setup & Customization". Turn on appointments, and select the option when you want your appointments to be bookable (quarter hour, half-hour or top of the hour). Save and your appointments will be up and ready for booking!


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