Today is the Day!

5 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023
  • If you have just come out from under a rock and are wondering what the heck Payments 2.0 is, please read this first: Payments 2.0 Update and Overview.
  • If you have questions about the pricing associated with the new payment processing platform or any new features available, such as ACH Processing or Terminals, please read this next: Payment Processing Fees.
  • If you are using our current payment processing and want to continue or start using payment processing, you MUST enroll on the new platform. If you have not started the enrollment process yet, please read this before you start: Enrollment Learning and Guidance.

So, what do you need to know that we have not told you already?

Let me break this down for you. What happens next depends on your enrollment status with our payment processing partner, Usio.

Big News on Our Payment Processing Transition! 📣

After an exhilarating 18-month journey, we're thrilled to share some significant milestones:

  • Record Transfer Complete!: We've successfully moved all the payment records, including credit card details, from our old buddy, Braintree, to our new partner in crime, Usio. One big freakin item knocked out!
  • Fitli Integration in Progress: Now, here's where the magic happens! Instead of just dumping all the records into Fitli, Usio crafts a unique token for each card. And guess what? Today's the day we're weaving these tokens into Fitli! They'll be the keys to initiating those all-important charges for you or your precious customers.
  • Round-the-Clock Testing: We've had our noses to the grindstone, ensuring every nook and cranny of our new features is in tip-top shape. And yes, we've stumbled upon a few irritating bugs. But never fear! The final sweep of fixes is launching today. 🚀
  • The Grand Switcheroo: With the heavy lifting done, we're gearing up for the grand finale! As we wrap up the import and put those bugs to bed, get ready to be ushered onto the shiny, new Payments 2.0 platform. We will be moving you over one at a time. As that happens, we will reach out to let you know. You may hardly notice, but things will look slightly different, and you may have a few new options. 😉

Here's to the next chapter of our journey! Thanks for being on this epic ride with us! 🥳

If you have already completed enrollment with Usio

You are good to go. Just wait to hear from us about the switchover.

If you have started enrollment but have not quite got over the finish line yet

Don't worry. We know the enrollment process didn't go as smoothly as we hoped, and some of you had to take extra steps to satisfy the corporate payment processing overlords (jk to my friends at Usio). We have planned for this, and we will get you moved over as soon as we get you over the enrollment finish line.

You haven't started enrollment for payment processing yet? Want to?

So, you're either fresh on the Fitli scene or a bit of a last-minute Larry, huh? 😬 No judgement! We're all friends here at Fitli, and we appreciate real talk. Case in point: I have this untouched box in my garage. It's supposed to be a swanky storage unit for all the pool toys this summer. Still waiting for my DIY moment! 🤷‍♂️

But hey, let's circle back to you. Time's ticking! Start that enrollment like yesterday. While we're pretty chill and have our own semi-flexible deadline on Sep 15, our pals at Braintree? Not so much. They're pulling the plug on the platform. And between us, they're being quite hush-hush about it. I'd share a flashy announcement, but... crickets.

So here's the real deal: if you're not on board by the time they shut down, your processing will hit a wall. And as much as I'd love to, I can't magic that away. So, let's get moving!

Catch you on the flip side! ✌️

Thinking of skipping out on taking payments?

Hold up! So, if you've been avoiding payments or leaning on a third-party platform for them, guess what? You're in the clear! You will still be on track when Braintree decides to pack it in. Smooth sailing. No one's popping your balloon.

But (and there's always a "but," right?), I have to ask: Why?

I totally get the payment processing blues - it can feel like a bit of a hit. But here's the scoop: Times have changed. If you decide to pass that cost onto your clients, most are cool with it. Card rules are more relaxed now, letting you tack on transaction fees. Plus, and trust me on this, the experience? A million times better.

Wanna know a secret? Check in with your folks, and I bet you'll find quite a few who'd love to swipe a card or dive into their bank account. And... drumroll... you're missing out on some awesome features! Ever thought about recurring memberships? Yup, they're a game changer, boosting your revenue and easily covering those payment processing costs.

The bottom line? Embracing payment processing could mean a bump in your earnings. Cool, right? But hey, you do you. Just know we're here, cheering you on, ready to help make the journey amazing. Got any burning questions? Hit us up. We're all ears. 🚀

Thanks for being a part of this journey. We'll see you on the flip side!

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