How to Add a Custom Post-Session Message?

4 min. readlast update: 07.02.2024

If you’re looking to send clients a post-session message, you can do this with just a few clicks. Here’s how.

Log in to your Fitli Business account and click ADMIN at the top menu.

Go to Business Setup & Customization > Notifications > Notifications to Clients.

On the Notifications to Clients page, you’ll see the “Add Custom Post-Session Email” section. Turn on the toggle to create a post-session message. 

Enter your message in the email box.


1 - Editing the top (email) box will add or overwrite anything written in it into the bottom (text) box.

2 - The text box can be edited independently but any changes to the email box will overwrite all content in the text box.

3 - Changes made to the text box will not add to or overwrite anything in the email box.

4 - Clickable links in the email box will not be copied to the text box. If you need to add a link, enter the complete link in the text box.

In the example below, the business will add a clickable link for the “Request Review” link to a text on the email box and edit the content of the text box to show the complete link. 

To do this, highlight the text where you want to paste the link then click the link button.


On the Link modal, go to the “Link Info” tab. Paste the link on the URL field. The modal will automatically assign the correct protocol for the link. In the example below, it’s https://. 

Then, click the "Target" tab, select "New Window (_blank)" on the pulldown and hit OK.

As discussed in Note #4, clickable links in the email box will not be copied to the text box. If you need to add a link, enter the complete link in the text box.

In the “Custom Post-Session Email will be sent to attendees” section, select when you want to send the post session email to your attendees. In the example below, the business clicked the last option, entered 10 on the field and selected minutes on the pulldown “after the session ends.” 

The “Send notifications no more than every” section is optional. You can set a limit on how often the post-session message can go out after a session ends. This section prevents your customers from receiving the post-session message too frequently. In the example below, we will not put a limit. Hit SAVE. Very Important! 

A message at the top in green will show that “Notifications for clients have been updated.”


What will happen next?

After each session, your attendees will receive email and/or sms notifications showing your post-session message. In the example below, the class ended at 11:45 AM. One of the clients received post-session messages via email and text at 11:55 AM, exactly 10 minutes after the session ended.




Limit who can receive the notification

You have the ability to limit who can and cannot receive the post-session message. This can be done via inclusion or exclusion.

To do this, Scroll down to the “Limit who can receive the notification” option. This is defaulted to "No".

After turning on the slider, the "Include clients" and "Exclude clients" sections will appear.

Click "Include clients" to make the post-session message available to select clients or "Exclude clients" to make the post-session message unavailable to select clients. Then, select your clients' names on the pulldown and hit save. You can add as many clients as you want.

Top Questions:

Q: I added a clickable link in the post-session message but it did not show in the text message. What should I do?

A: Clickable links in the email box will not be copied to the text box. If you need to add a link, enter the complete link in the text box. Or, enter the complete link in the email box as it will add anything written in it into the text box.

Q: My client did not receive any post-session message even though I did not put any limitations in it. What should I do?

A: Check your client’s profile if notifications are enabled. If it’s enabled, advise them to turn on their notifications. Here are some helpful guides you can send to them: Desktop version, Mobile version.

Q: I excluded some of my clients from receiving the post-session message but they still received it. What should I do?

A: Go to “Notifications to Clients”, check your custom post-session message, make sure to update your limitations then hit SAVE. If your excluded participants continue to receive the notification after you’ve confirmed the change was saved, please contact us for further help. 

That's about it! Any questions? Chat with us or send us an email to

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