How to create a promotion or use promotion codes?

3 min. readlast update: 02.23.2024

What are promo codes? Promotion codes are discount codes that allow you, the business, to offer discounts to your customers. These discounts can be in the form of EITHER:

1 - A percentage discount (50% off, etc).

2 - A dollar amount discount ($10 off, etc).


Create or Edit Promotion

Step 1 - Log in to your Fitli business account.

Make sure you are in your business account, by checking that your business name and/or logo shows up on the left side. In the top menu, you should see options such as "Customers", "Admin", etc.

Step 2 - Click on "Admin" in the top menu bar.

Step 3 - Click on "Products & Services" then "Promotions" on the left hand side.

This will take you to the list of promotions that your business offers to clients, see the screenshot below.


Step 4 - To create a new promotion, click on the "+ Add Promotion" button on your top right hand side or click "Edit" to edit an existing one. This will open a pop-up form to ask you to fill out all information for this promotion or update the details of an existing one.

Active: This is turned on by default.

Display Promotion: This is turned off by default. If turned on to YES, this promotion will be displayed on your business profile and everyone on Fitli network can see it. If turned off to NO, it'll be for your eyes only. Note: Even if this flag is set to NO, it's still a valid promotion if it's still active and hasn't expired.

Title: The name of this promotion.

Code: A unique promotion code that consumers (or you) use to apply on purchase transactions. This code is generated by the system after the title is entered but this code can be modified if you'd like. The promotion "CODE" is the code you'll provide to your customers to actually use.

Type: percent or amount

Amount: Depends on the promotion type (percent or amount).

+ If the type is "percent", in this example, it means 20% off.

+ If the type is "amount", in this example, it means $20 off.

Expiration date: When is the last date that this promotion can be used.

Description: Any notes that you'd like your clients to know. This is optional.

We also have some Promo Code advanced features which allows you to "Limit what the promotion can be used for", "Limit how many times the promotion can be used", and "Limit who can use the promotion".

To know more about these advanced features, please check these articles: 

Promo Code Advanced Features

Promotions - Include or Exclude Clients

Step 5 - After you finish filling out all the information, click on the SAVE button.

Now you're done! This promotion now is listed on the list of promotions.


Remember, that if a promo code without any limitation has been applied to an auto-renewing membership/package purchase, it will set the price for the future recurring payments unless canceled.


Checkout Process

During the checkout process, either the business or the client on the website or via the mobile app can enter a promotion code. Enter the promotion code on the field then click "Apply". The total above the box will update and be reflective of the reduced or discounted price. Click "Next", "Confirm" and "Close".





To deactivate a promotion, click on the "yes" text under the "Active" column. This will turn a promotion (even if it hasn't expired yet) to inactive.


If you have any questions, comments or feedback, please contact us at

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