Set a fixed Expiration Date for your client's package/sessions

2 min. readlast update: 02.09.2024

Packages/sessions expire based on how you configure the package. The expiration date of a package and any associated sessions are generally set based on the purchase date of the package. If you set an expiration period of 1 month, then any sessions and booking capability will expire 1 month from the purchase date. 

What if you need to set up a package for an event or a sale that has a definitive expiration date regardless of the date of purchase? That's possible using the "Drop Dead Expiration Date".  This only works on Single Purchase Type packages, not Auto Renew packages.

Set up your package as normal, then, enter your desired expiration date on the "Drop Dead Expiration Date" field, then click Save. Here's a screenshot for your reference: 



By doing this, all sessions (in the case of a Limited package) and all booking capability (in the case of an Unlimited package) will cease on the date you have entered.

The Drop Dead Expiration Date cannot be changed after the first purchase of this package has occurred.

Commonly asked questions:

Q: Is it possible to add a Drop Dead Expiration Date to Auto-Renewing packages to stop auto-renew automatically?

A: No, this is not possible. You need to cancel auto-renew manually to stop it. Here's a guide.

Q: Is it possible to change the Drop Dead Expiration Date?

A: The answer is Yes and No. You can only change it if no one has purchased the package yet. As mentioned above, the Drop Dead Expiration Date cannot be changed after the first purchase of the package has occurred. Here's a comprehensive guide of what fields can be and cannot be edited after the first purchase.

Q: My client just purchased a package that is good for 3 months last week. However, his package expired today. Is there a way, I can edit the Drop Dead Expiration Date for his package or give him back the sessions that just expired? 

A: You cannot change the Drop Dead Expiration date of a package that has been purchased already. However, you can un-expire your clients expired balance by changing its expiration date. To do this, go to your customer's profile, click the "Show Expired Balances" link under "Account Balance". Click the date of the expired balance, edit it then hit save. Screenshots below:




That's about it! Any questions? Chat with us or send us an email to

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