Business Guide: Primary and Backup Payment Methods

3 min. readlast update: 11.27.2024

This feature will allow you to manage your clients’ card vault within their profiles. This will help you manage their auto-renewing memberships as well and avoid it from declining with just a few clicks. Here’s how.

Note: This feature is only available for businesses whose Usio Payment Status is ACTIVE, similar to the one below. To unlock this feature, activate payment processing and enroll!



Add Payment Method

To do this, go to your Customers list and search for your client and open their profile.

Scroll down to "Personal Wallet". From here, you can add your client’s primary payment method by clicking the "+ Add payment method" link. 

Click "Add a credit card or debit card" then hit NEXT. Fill out the "Add a credit card or debit card" modal then hit SAVE.

Note: If you want to accept bank payments from your clients, go to the Payment Processing page and activate ACH payments for $5 per month. The "Add a bank account" option will be disabled if ACH payments is inactive. Otherwise, it will be enabled similar to the one below. 

Once the primary payment method is saved, you’ll see it under PRIMARY and there will be options to add BACKUP and OTHER PAYMENT METHODS. 

Click the "+ Add payment method" link under BACKUP to add a backup payment method. 


Fill out your customer’s payment information, hit NEXT and SAVE. Once the backup payment method is saved, you can set it as the PRIMARY or OTHER payment method on your customer’s profile or leave it as it is.



Remove Payment Method

Your customers can have a total of 5 payment methods under their accounts including their PRIMARY and BACKUP payment methods. You and your clients can set the BACKUP payment as OTHER or PRIMARY or set any of the OTHER PAYMENT METHODS as PRIMARY or BACKUP. To do this, click any of the pulldown on the lower left side, select any of the available options on each payment method and hit save. You can also edit the BACKUP payment method and edit or remove the OTHER PAYMENT METHODS.


Once the OTHER PAYMENT METHODS are removed, the site will give you an option to REMOVE the BACKUP payment method as well. 


When there’s no BACKUP payment method and your client has no active auto-renewing package/membership, the site will allow you to remove the PRIMARY payment method. Otherwise, you’ll be prompted that your client has an active auto-renewing package/membership and the site won’t allow you to remove it. Screenshots below.









Edit Payment Method

To edit a payment method, click the "Edit" link under the payment method you want to edit.


On the "Edit a credit card or debit card" modal, enter the card number to confirm or update it then enter the CVC. 

Note: You can enter a different card number or re-enter the old one if your client has a new card with a different expiration date and CVC. You can also update your client's billing address here. If you want to copy the address from the contact info section here, check "Copy from Contact Info". Or, check "Copy to Contact Info" if you want to copy the billing address to your client's contact info. Otherwise, leave them unchecked. Not entering your customer's card number and CVC will prompt you to enter it. Screenshots below. 

Once done, click SAVE, wait for the modal to close and you're done!

That's about it! Any questions? Chat with us or send us an email to

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