Step 5: Understanding Your Reports

11 min. readlast update: 07.30.2024


Once you’re ready to start booking clients in Fitli, you may want to be sure that you understand your reporting options! Your reports can tell you the specifics you need to know about how your business is doing on Fitli, including sales, bookings, and attendance.

View your Available Reports

First, head to the reports section by clicking on "Reports" at the top toolbar. You'll see the available report options on the left side.

Here, you can see which report options are available, and the type of information you can obtain from each report:

Your Sales Report will display how much money you've made in a given time period. It also contains data on all of your sales as well as refund options.

Your Disbursement Report is where you can check your deposits against what is hitting your bank account. This will only be available for businesses whose Usio Payment Status is ACTIVE.

Your Account Balances Report is where you may View all client Account Balances in one place. 

Your Bookings Report displays details about bookings and withdrawals completed in the business.

Your Attendance Report contains details about attendance records for specific classes and customers

Your Payroll Report is used to track and determine how much instructors are owed for a selected time period based on customized pay rates. This will only be available if you activate the Payroll functionality for your business.

Your Reviews Received are where you can view your business ratings and reviews.


Review your Sales Report

After customers begin making purchases, or you begin making purchases on client accounts, your sales data will populate here.

The Sales Report has two sections: "By Transaction" and "By Customer".

In the example above, there are several test purchases displayed on the report. Let's look deeper into the Sales Report.

Sales Report By Transaction 

This section displays the "Sales Report by Transaction" which shows all sales and refunds/voids completed with the business. You can filter this section using the search box and by date using the date picker. You can also use the dropdown menus for "All Transaction Types" (Sales/Refunds), "All Funding Sources" and "All Items" to further filter the report. 

The report will display in order by the date of the latest purchase and will only display transactions occurring  during the selected time frame. You can click on any column name to sort the entire report by that column. For example, clicking on the header for "Customer" sorts the Sales Report by Customer Name initially by ascending, then by descending order if clicked again. 

You can use the scroll at the top to navigate the report horizontally, if necessary. You can export this report by clicking the EXPORT button at the top right and use your preferred spreadsheet program (such as Excel, Google Sheets or LibreOffice Calc) to open the .csv file.

You also have the option to request a refund for a customer's purchase on this report. As a note,, customers are issued a session credit when withdrawn from a session whether they booked using a package or drop-in, but should you need to process a refund for any purchase, click the "Refund" or “Void” link on the Transaction line and confirm the details of the refund. The refund will also display  on the sales report for your records.

To read more about Refunds, click HERE.


Sales Report By Customer

Sales By Customer > All Customers

This section of the Sales Report displays all customers whether or not they made a purchase within the currently selected time period but will show customers with the most recent purchases at the top of the report by default. Customers with no purchases will show ‘n/a’ under the "Last Activity" column. 

You can filter this section using the search box and customize the time period using the date picker. The "All Customers" dropdown allows you to filter the report  to show only customers with either "Activity" or "No Activity". Additionally, clicking on any column header sorts the report by that column. Clicking on the header for "Customer Name" for example, sorts the report  by Customer Name initially by  ascending, then by descending order. You can also export this report by clicking the EXPORT button at the top right.


Sales By Customer > Activity

This view of the report will show all customers who had purchases of any kind processed on their account within the selected time frame. You can still filter the report further using the search box and by date using the date picker. The report will display in order by the date of the latest purchase by default, however, you can click on any column header to sort the report by that column. This view will only display customers with sales activity during the selected time frame.


Sales By Customer > No Activity

This view of the report shows all clients with no sales activity within the time frame selected.The view is intended to help you keep track of clients that have not been active with the business and may need some follow up. You can filter this section using the search box and by date using the date picker. As with most reports, you can click on any column header to sort by that column. 


Check your Disbursement Report

The Disbursement Report summarizes the amount of funds that will be deposited to your connected bank account each day that a disbursement is made and lists all the transactions that are part of the disbursement. This report will show both Card and ACH disbursements (if you accept ACH payments). Click HERE for a comprehensive guide.

This report is only available for businesses whose Usio Payment Status is ACTIVE. To unlock this feature, activate payment processing and enroll


Review your client's Account Balances

You’ll likely want to occasionally check in on your customers’ current account balances. To view a full list of all account balances, head to the "Account Balances" report, and see exactly which memberships are currently active on your customers’ accounts as well as how many sessions remain  available for their use. 

In the example above, we can see that client Ambo Lee has 10 sessions left on his account for 10 Pack that will expire on 8/23/2024.

The report will default to display in alphabetical order and will initially only display customers with active balances.However, you can  show all expired balances of your customers. (Note: Expired Balances just means any package that was purchased by a client with a set number of sessions that was not fully utilized before the package expired.) To show expired balances, just click the "Show expired balances" link at the top right. The link will then change to "Hide expired balances". To hide expired balances, click the link again and it will then change to "Show expired balances".


You can also show inactive customers. (Note: Inactive Customers are clients that have been deactivated on the client list. By default, we will not show inactive clients on this report.) To show inactive customers, just click the "Show inactive customers" link at the top right. The link will then change to "Hide inactive customers" and if you click the link again  it will then return to "Show inactive customers.”


You can filter this report using the search box. You can click on any column header to sort by the column. You can export this report by clicking the EXPORT button at the top right and use your preferred spreadsheet program like Excel to open the .csv file.


Review your Bookings Report

Your Bookings Reports display details about bookings and withdrawals made both individually as well as aggregated booking and sales data by service.. 

The Bookings Report has 2 sections: "By Transaction" and "By Service".

Bookings Report By Transaction

This section will show you "Bookings Report By Transaction". In the example below, you can see entries for each time a client books into a class or appointment. We show how they booked, using a drop-in purchase or a purchase from a package or membership. Any session withdrawals will also appear here, with withdrawn sessions always being returned to the client’s account balance by default. You can filter this section using the search box and by date using the date picker. You can click on any column header to sort by that column.. You can export this report by clicking the EXPORT button at the top right and using your preferred spreadsheet program like Excel to open the .csv file.


Bookings Report By Service

Bookings By Service > All Services

This section will show you Bookings Report "By Service". This report will update to add booking data for all sessions that have already occurred meaning that data from sessions that are still in the future will not be accounted for on this report. The report will also show revenue collected for each service during the selected time period. Revenue for drop-ins will be calculated as the entirety of the drop-in fee while revenue for customers who book in using a package or membership will be calculated according to the actual or estimated gross revenue per session as set up for the package/membership in "Admin". 

The report will show data for both classes and appointments. You can filter this section by using the search box and by date by using the date picker. You can click on any column header to sort by that column. You can export this report by clicking the EXPORT button at the top right and use your preferred spreadsheet program (such as Excel, Google Sheets or LibreOffice Calc) to open the .csv file.


Bookings By Service > Class

This section will show you Bookings Report By Class or Group classes. You can filter this section using the search box and by date using the date picker. You can click on any column header to sort by that column.


Bookings By Service > Appointment

This view of the report will display Bookings by Service Report for  Appointments or 1-on-1 private sessions. You can filter this section using the search box and by date using the date picker. You can click on any column header to sort by that column.


Review your Attendance Report

The Attendance report is where you can track who is showing up to classes and appointments. If a service has check-ins enabled then this report will show attendance reporting for those applicable services. Services for which the check-in feature is not activated will display as ‘n/a’ under the "Total Check-Ins" and "No Shows" columns and clients displaying ‘n/a’ in any attendance columns indicates that the client was not booked for any sessions that has check ins enabled.

The Attendance Report has 2 sections: "By Session" and "By Customer".


Attendance Report By Session

Attendance Report By Session > Booked Sessions

This section displays the Attendance Report By "Booked Sessions" only. You can filter this section using the "All Professionals" dropdown and by date using the date picker. You can click on any column header to sort by that column.


Attendance Report By Session > All Sessions

This view of the report  will show the Attendance Report By "All Sessions", booked and unbooked. You can filter this section using the "All Professionals" pulldown and by date using the date picker. You can click on any column header to sort the report by that column.


Attendance Report > By Customer

Attendance Report By Customer > All Customers

This report will show you the Attendance Report By Customer and will default to "All Customers", meaning those who attended the sessions as well as those who did not show up. You can filter this section by date using the date picker. You can click on any column header to sort by that column. You can export this report by clicking the EXPORT button at the top right and use your preferred spreadsheet program like Excel to open the .csv file.


Attendance Report By Customer > No Shows

This view of the report  will show you the Attendance Report filtered only for customers who booked sessions but did not show up and you can access this view via the dropdown. You can filter this section by date using the date picker. You can click on any column header to sort by that column. 


View your Payroll Reports

The Payroll report is where you can track and determine how much is owed to instructors based on your custom pay rates. This will only be available if you activate the Payroll functionality for your business. Below is an example of the report:

You can filter this section using the dropdowns at the top and by date using the date picker. You can click on any column header to sort by that column. You can export this report by clicking the EXPORT button at the top right and use your preferred spreadsheet program like Excel to open the .csv file.

To know more about the Payroll feature, click HERE.


View your Reviews

After each class or appointment booking, we provide users with a popup message asking them for a brief review or feedback on the trainer and class. Once users start providing you with feedback, we display their feedback here. These reviews also show up in the list of search results for your business - more reviews the better!


-> Now, on to Step 6 of the Setup Guide - Booking a Customer and Making your First Purchase  

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