Here at Fitli, we think of services as the "Things you do" - classes, appointments, what kinds of services does your business offer? They can be spin or yoga classes, Pilates or personal training appointments. Services are individual items that you schedule on the calendar.
Steps to create a service:
Step 1 - Log in to your Fitli business account.
Step 2 - Go to "Admin" on the top menu bar then click "Products & Services" on the left.
Step 3 - Click on the "+ Add Service" button on the top right hand side.
This will open a pop-up form to ask you to fill out all information about this new service.
Step 4 - Complete the information on the Add Service form.
Active?: YES for active and available to be scheduled, NO if it's not available.
Name: Name of the service
Category: Choose a category, this is from the list of categories you selected in the Business Setup page.
Drop-in Price: A service can have a "drop-in price". This is the price if a customer "drops in", or purchases a single session of that service. If the customer has a membership, then you use the package price. This is optional.
Refunded Session Expiration: When a session that was paid for via drop-in is refunded due to cancellation, the default expiration date is 1 year. The business would be able to dictate here it's expiration date.
Duration: How long is the class or appointment?
Service Description: Enter description here, this is what the customer sees.
Service Notes: Business notes only, customers cannot see this.
Scheduling Policies: Select your scheduling policy to save you time and streamline your business operations. For more info, click HERE.
Sales Tax?: Turn this on to add Sales Tax to your service. For more info, click HERE.
Hide Attendance Stats?: Hide the number of participants who are booked into a class. For more info, click HERE.
Hide From Public?: Hide a session or a class from your business' calendar. For more info, click HERE.
Bookable by Business Only?: If set to yes, then ONLY the business can schedule or book this service
Enable Kiosk Booking?: If you enable Kiosk Booking for a class, your clients who have balances applicable to the class can book via the Kiosk Check-In URL. For more info, click HERE.
Enable Check-ins?: If you enable check-ins for a service, then those classes have a new option on the schedule, check-in! Each class lets you check in a client, identifying if they showed up for that class or not. Then, in the Attendance report, you can see the number of shows vs. no-shows. For more info, click HERE.
Enable Kiosk Check-In?: We now have a user kiosk/self check-in option, where users can check themselves in if they're booked for a class. Within 2 hours of the class or appointment, users can visit the Kiosk Check-In URL to check themselves in! For more info, click HERE.
Display Professional Profile?: This feature will allow you to display or hide your instructors’ profiles entirely from the session profile public view. Your professionals' profiles are defaulted to display. For more info, click HERE.
Applicable to: Class (group class) or Appointment (solo, private session)
Color: Now, you can choose the color the class or appointment will appear on the calendar. Use the color picker, or enter your own Hex code! Be colorful!
Step 5 - Click on the SAVE button.
This new service will be listed under the Services page.
And you're done!