How to add Classes, Appointments or Blocked Time to your Business Calendar?

3 min. readlast update: 08.15.2024

Your business is all about classes and appointments, but how do you add them to your Fitli calendar/schedule? Easy! Just follow the step-by-step guide below!


In order to schedule an appointment or class, you'll need:

- At least one service, either a class or appointment (Refer to How to create a service article for more details).

- At least one facility (Refer to How to add facilities article for more details).

- At least one employee with a "Professional" trainer role (Refer to How to add an employee / professional for more details).



1 - Log in to your Fitli business account.

- You will see at least 2 sections on the pulldown on your upper right hand side: "Personal" section and your business name. Some accounts might also have a "Professional" section, depends on your account type.

- Click on your business name to access your business account. This will take you to your business's calendar page.


2 - To create a new session/class, you either click on the "SCHEDULING" button on the left panel, OR click on a date on the calendar when you want to add a new class or appointment.

- You'll be directed to the CREATE SESSION page, allowing you to choose between APPOINTMENTS, BLOCKED TIME, or CLASSES.


Choose the type of 'SESSION':


Choosing "APPOINTMENT". As shown below, you will be prompted to select a customer first. Then, select an appointment service, choose a professional, a facility, and select an available time to schedule the appointment.

Want to learn more about adding APPOINTMENTS? Click here to read more!



Choosing "BLOCKED TIME" lets you add reserved time to your business calendar, typically for personal reasons, you're busy, etc. This blocked time does not allow sessions to be booked by you or your customers and does not display on your business' public calendar for clients to see.

- Add a title, select the professional, choose the start and ending time, and create a blocked time session. You may also add a Block Time Description on the right side.

Want to learn more about adding BLOCKED TIME? Click here to learn more!



Choosing "CLASS" lets you to add a class to your schedule. Choose a service, a professional, a facility, and determine the date and time for the class to appear. Then, choose if it's a repeating session or not, and click "Create Class" at the bottom.

Once you've added the APPOINTMENT, BLOCKED TIME, or CLASS to your schedule, you will see the newly added item appear on your business schedule.

Feel free to continue adding items to your calendar. From there, you can add clients to the classes, start promoting your classes via social networks, or start booking clients into sessions!

That's about it! Any questions? Chat with us or send us an email to

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